This well-respected firm was run by a family of engineers for nearly 150 years, producing ornamental turning products that were accurate and built to high standard.
Better known as Edward Hines, he carried on his fathers business producing quality ornamental turning lathes. The company remained small with no more than a dozen employees. Edward Hines invented apparatus of various kinds and wrote a number of articles and booklets on lathes and accessories, some of which include:
An "Amateurs' Lathes & Tools" catalogue by Edward Hines, dated 1885, is reproduced in Part 4 of John Edwards' Holtzapffel Volume VI publication. A large variety of turning lathes and tools are listed, many with pictures, along with advertisements for other engineering, optical and scientific apparatus. Some of the many items include:
Sidney was the son of Edward Hines and the last person in the family to have lathe and tool customers. He lectured on ornamental turning to the Model Engineering Society, which he was president for a time, illustrating his talk with lantern slides which depicted ornamental turning lathes and apparatus. These slides, along with a Hines ornamental turning lathe, tools, equipment and various documents were later donated to the Bridewell Museum.
World War I changed many things including the demand for amateur lathes, so the company switched to production of commercial machines and parts. Sidney was very active in the business throughout his entire life, but with his death came the end of the Hines ornamental turning enterprise.
More details, including numerous drawings and photos, can be found in the Society of Ornamental Turners Bulletins #89.
If you want a tool to be the centre of all manner of tinkering and mending, or for exercise that is gentle and cheap, or for calling the mind off from anxiety or hard thinking, or for healthful and artistic creations, I know of no instrument to be compared to the Lathe. It is easily kept in order, and the results are so quick, so varied, and so beautiful, that you never get tired of it.
Reverend John Todd (1870)
Hines lathe index plate with engraved signature.